I began this new year with a retreat at Lochsa Lodge, in Idaho, just an hour from my home in Missoula, Montana. "To Live Deliberately," the retreat offered the perspective of Thoreau's Walden in examining our lives...for me, examining my life in the context of Flamenco Montana. In the past weeks, connections have developed which seem miraculous. I marvel at the requests from Helena to Havre, and from our local schools, the connection of our festival with the Museum of International Folk Art in Santa Fe, New Mexico, the amazing opportunity to have Solero Flamenco here in Missoula with us for three days in March, and then to follow their work in the community of Great Falls! Everyone involved with Flamenco Montana brings selfless love of the art, desire to share creatively, willingness to be fully in the flamenco moment. This precious time we have together is the heart of all of my days.